Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fever Series Review

Man, Oh, Man... Yum

This book is nothing like any other book that is on the market today. I would LOVE to be in Karen Marie Moning’s head for one day, just one, just to know how the heck it works.

The Series starts off with:

Darkfever: Let’s start here. It opens with MacKayla Lane, aka Mac, going to Ireland because she found out her sister was murdered. Her sister left her a very vague, at best message on her cell phone. Mac being the crazy, impulsive girl, yes girl, she starts off as a girl in these books, even though she is 23. She is very sheltered for her age, if you read or have read you know exactly what I mean. Well, she starts walking around town to see if she can find out if anyone knew her sister. I am sure anyone who had a loved one overseas in a different country and got murdered they too would want to know the facts and what happened.

This is the book that is dedicated to her trying to find her way through Dublin, but she realized that she is way over her head and she isn't exactly human.

Enter Jericho Barrons, the man that will turn her and the reader (you) in knots. When these two get together make sure your book doesn't catch on fire. Talk about sexual tension. No sex happens in the first book, truthfully nothing fun happens between them till later on in the books. This is why this makes this series awesome, it just isn't centered on sex, it actually has a PLOT!

Enter V'lane, the sex fae prince... just keep your eyes out for this one.

The first book really doesn't answer questions, it just creates more. The rest of the books kind of go into this same fashion.

After Mac finds out what she is, she joins JB on his mission. She really doesn't know what is mission is for besides gaining the Sinsar-Dubh, but she wants it as well because this is what her sister told her to get.

Throughout the book she makes stupid decisions, as I said, she acts as a little spoiled girl. She want's what she wants.

I can't really explain much without giving so much about the story away, because it is that jammed pack with information.

Bloodfever: This second book picks up where the first left off, of course I can't tell you the beginning or the ending.

I will just say in this book a certain someone in JB's life try’s to eliminate Mac, because of jealously. She also gets hurt in this book as well. Ah, Hell, let's just say Mac gets hurt in this book as well, she gets hurt in some kind of fashion in ever book, and JB is only tender when he thinks she is dying.

Faefever: V'lane, grrr

Dreamfever: read it, holy crap, the books get better as they go.

Shadowfever: This is a great book, it really doesn't answer the questions that you have, it sort of just leaves you with more, and I think KMM did this so it can lead into her Dani series, which is Fever series number 6. Shadowfever finally shows sides of both of the two that was never shown before. We get a little more into JZB's head, scary place.

It answer some questions that lingered on from book one, of course, but if you are hoping to find out what JB is.... do not count on it.

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